UTM Child Language
and Speech Studies Lab
UTM Researchers articulate the gender dynamics of voice recognition in infants
Socioeconomic status played a role in preschoolers' language development during pandemic: Study
How much do Canadians judge people for their accents? Experts say it starts early on
Reading babies' minds: UTM professor examines how infants learn language.
Child Speech.
Toddlers comprehend words spoken by adults better than their own.
Junior Scientists.
How well can infants distinguish unfamiliar voices?
Children as young as 5 may show bias against unfamiliar accents: Canadian study
When do gender differences start to emerge in children’s speech?
Une étude sur le langue et la parole des enfants bilingues.
Kids prefer friends who talk like they do.
New research hoping to decode secret of toddler talk.
CCT 4110 University of Toronto Mississauga,
3359 Mississauga Road, Mississauga ON L5L 1C6